Even the doggies want a piece of the action every time we get them out.
Recipe is as follows:
1 cup of Pure Delight Hemp protein flour
1/2 cup warm water
1 cup dried apricots
1 cup pitted dates
1/2 cup walnuts
1 cup soaked almonds (Soak almonds for a few hours then drain all water.)
1 tablespoon Tahini
1 tablespoon vanilla essence
1 tablespoon coconut sugar (optional)
Pinch of salt and last desiccated coconut for rolling
In a bowl pour 1/2 cup warm water onto hemp protein flour. Mix and then let sit for 5 min.
Next pour all the ingredients except desiccated coconut into food a processor. Blend until all the ingredients are turned into a thick consistent mixture.
Once blended scoop tablespoons onto a plate covered in desiccated coconut and roll the mixture until it forms a lovely round ball.
Hope you love them as much as we do.
Please note Australian legeslation prohibits the consumption of hemp products. These recipes are for information only.