Roast Capsicum Pasta Sauce

Posted by Tatiana Crichton on

You'll never want to use jar sauce again!

This homemade sauce is so creamy and delicious. You can even switch it up with different roast veg or perhaps using almonds or walnuts instead of cashews. 

I didn't add anything to the pasta other than the sauce but you could totally mix through some veggies or legumes to make it more filling. 


Spaghetti (or any pasta of your choice) 

2 large red capsicums, quartered and deseeded 

1 onion, quartered 

1 bulb of garlic

1/2 cup soaked cashews (drain before use) 

1/2 cup tomato passata (or tinned tomatoes) 

1/2 cup Pure Delight Hemp Seeds

1/4 cup oil (I used vegetable)

2 Tablespoons balsamic vinegar 

salt and pepper to taste


Roast the capsicum (skin side up), onion and garlic bulb on a baking tray for 30 minutes at 200°C or until vegetables are cooked.

While the vegetables are in the oven, start cooking the pasta. Make sure to reserve some of the cooking water to use later before you drain the pasta. Let the vegetables cool before peeling the skin off the capsicum and garlic.

Place all the roast vegetables in a blender with the cashews, passata, hemp seeds, oil, balsamic and salt and pepper. Blend until it becomes a smooth paste consistency. 

Add the paste in a fry pan on a medium heat and slowly add the reserved pasta water until it becomes a sauce consistency. Toss the pasta through the sauce before serving. 
Garnish with fresh herbs or hemp seeds!